Here's what was on my to-do list today:
~Make a menu for this week
~Wash the weekend accumulation of dishes
~Tidy the upstairs of the house
~Put the bathroom back together and take all the painting tools downstairs
~Sweep and mop the kitchen and dining room floors
~Vacuum the living room, bedroom, and bathroom
~Practice the piano
~Practice the flute
~Make a tasty dinner
Amazingly, I got it all done! In addition, I vacuumed the couch given to us today by my husband's office mate and rearranged the living room. Thankfully Little Man slept a lot today and was fairly good while he was awake.
Here's something cool. You know the couch I mentioned above? Not only is it comfy and in nice shape, but it also is a light tan color that coordinates with our easy chair and gliding rocking chair almost perfectly! How amazing is that?!?

The valance is just a long piece of green fabric (I think its rayon or silk, but I don't know since it was given to me). It looks like it has tiny moth holes in it, but I couldn't bring myself to throw it away since I loved the color. When we moved into this house, I was glad I had kept it! I just knotted and draped it over the curtain rod without even hemming the ends. It looks quite a bit different this time than it did the first time I put it up. I just couldn't get it to look right the old way, so I tried something new and liked it.

I think I will sign off for now...yawn...and maybe I'll even go to bed early...
Nice! I love your eye... and I also love shopping at goodwill. That's how I decorated much of my home. And the green curtain... wonderful!! How'd you do it?
Well, with drapey curtains, the weight and texture of the fabric changes how it looks. This particular fabric is a light one, so the draping can be particularly graceful. All I did was start at one end of the fabric, made a knot at the end of the curtain rod with it, and tucked the end in (sometimes it takes quite a few tries to make it look right). Then I roughly divided the rest of the fabric into three sections with the last section being a bit bigger since it had a bigger knot at the end. I knotted the fabric around the curtain rod at the end of each section. For the last knot, I tucked the end in like I did for the first one. The I hung up the curtain rod and spread each hanging "swag", tucking the edge of the fabric over the curtain rod. Each step may need to be repeated multiple times to get it to look right...yes, it takes some patience. Next time I do it, it'll look all different. I guarantee it. Because the fabric will not do the exact thing again. But that's part of the fun. ; ) I hope this made sense.
Good job on getting so much done! You're right, it is a good thing that not every day is like that. They probably wouldn't feel as special and productive if they were a common occurrence.
Your bathroom looks wonderful. Those goodwill pictures are beautiful.
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