Today was warm enough to wear short sleeves!
Today we had dinner at my parent's house. ; )

Today I finished the lime green and black quilt for the
Celtic fairs. Today I made another bag (picture and post coming soon).
Today we went to the nursing home and cheered many people's week by playing flute and piano duets for them (we try to go every other week). Today my flute tone was satisfyingly good, in both my low and high registers. Today I had fun playing music my husband composed.

Today he went hunting early in the morning and his efforts were paid off by a trophy buck. Today God provided for us to have winter meat with said buck.

Today Little Man and I experimented with the baby sling some more, and after a few nervous moments he relaxed and enjoyed himself. Today I realized again that it was made for someone taller than 5' 2".
Today Little Man has decided to take walking seriously and took 2-5 steps several times!
To use an overused but good word, today was a
good day.
it's poetry~ loved to hear it.
While repetitive NOISES are very annoying, tasteful repetition to aid communication is not. ; )
you got me.
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