I did manage to cross a big thing off my to-get-done list in the last few weeks. This huge thing was cleaning and organizing my disastrous craft area/laundry room/storage space.

I ended up throwing away two large trash bags of useless stuff and filling another box to give to our local thrift store. I dusted, and I vacuumed up the spiders and webs and dryer fuzz. I sorted through my fabric scraps, categorized them by type of fabric, and stored them in neatly stacked and labeled boxes. I also reorganized my craft supplies and put them into boxes and bins which I stored accessibly on the shelves right across from my crafting table instead of in another room. Finally, I set up the table with my sewing machine and rotary cutting supplies so that I can go downstairs and sew anytime I have a few minutes. To say that it is much more welcoming is an understatement. I am thankful to have a place in which to work that is more orderly and usable than ever before.
christina- wow. way to go! i love this cozy little nook you've created. it reminds me so much of our little apartment that i loved! have fun sewing!
ps. THANK YOU, THANK YOU! for the awesome book list! i already have a place where i keep lists like this, so i will be stashing yours away with mine! i'm so excited to read to our kids someday!
It looks great Christina! I'm sure you'll enjoy being down there a lot more now.
Every mommy/woman needs a space like this to clear their head while they craft...good for you!!
yay! isn't it so nice to have that checked off, the room looks great!
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