Today I was very excited to be able to finish painting our bedroom windowsills and frames. The painting in itself wasn't all that exciting (though it does look a ton better now!). What I was really excited about was the fact that I got to hang up my newly finished bedroom curtains. I love making curtains. I mean, I
really love making curtains. I make up my own patterns and usually have the difficulty of having to decide on one only one pattern from from anywhere from two to six ideas for one curtain.
This particular idea grew from just sewing scalloped
valances to what you see here: scalloped
valances attached to tab-topped curtains ornamented by a red inset of sorts with cute buttons. Believe it or not, this was a simpler option and not my first choice, though now that I see it, I know that I like it more than I would have liked my other idea.

The chocolate brown
valance has a stitched flowery detail that you can see better in this detail photo (sorry about the lighting, my flash can wash things out a bit if it's not used in an ideal setting). I found it in the clearance section at Joann's, and I loved it so much I knew that it was coming home with me for my bedroom curtains. Unfortunately (or maybe not), I bought only enough for
valances. I realized my mistake when my husband commented that he would like a full window covering to help keep the light from a nearby street light out of our room. Imagine my delight when I found five or six yards of the
subtly-textured-chocolate-milk-colored fabric at our small, local thrift store! The red fabric I tucked in is made from scraps from the bed skirt I described a few posts ago. And last but not least, the buttons are shaped like tiny birds, lady bugs, leaves, and acorns. I'm so pleased with the finished product and look forward to enjoying nights of darker sleep and days of finished looking windows.

While I was rummaging around in the basement to find the missing pieces for the partial curtain rods in our bedroom, I found a curtain rod short enough to hang up this little
valance over the window in our door. I had made the curtain months ago and was disappointed to not be able to find a rod short enough. I guess I just didn't look hard enough. ; ) I actually made this curtain out of a
silk skirt that I also found at a thrift store. I loved the olive green color, the good quality silk, and the hem-line details, so I bought the skirt, only to find out that it was so oddly shaped, that it was not really wearable. I was pleased to be able to find a way to remodel and enjoy it after all!

Finally, I'm sharing a photo of one of my kitchen curtains. I also found this fabric in the Joann's clearance section. (Can you tell where I spend my time at Joann's?) ; ) I liked the embroidered
linen so much I made myself a cute skirt with the leftover fabric.
That's the end of the curtain adventures I'm sharing this evening. I hope you've enjoyed my ramblings. ; )
Good night.
1 comment:
nice work!
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