Oh, I almost forgot! I got a blog award! Rachel of the Homemaker's Library and Bible Babies, who gives me food for thought and chuckles gave it to me. She made my blogging evening last night! ; )
Now it's my turn to give it. Hmmm. Who do I choose?
~First, I choose my dear Mum. She has taught me tons (and is still teaching me!). She's one of my best friends, and I love reading her blog even though we live only a few blocks away from one another.
~Next I choose this blog, Raise Them Up (sorry, I couldn't find your name, but maybe that's what you want). ; ) This bloggy friend makes me smile with her enjoyable accounts of raising boys, searching for lost toy turtles, and late in the season camping trips.
~Last, but not least, I choose one of my newest bloggy friends, Kate, whose blog, A Simple Walk, I enjoy immensely.
~Here are the rules for you three in case you want to pass it on. ; )
1. Place the logo on your blog.
2. Link to the person who awarded you.
3. You can nominate up to 5 blogs.
4. You can then add their links to your blog.
5. Leave a message in the comment section to each nominee on their blog.
oh, great. now you're going to have to come over and help me get this thing on my page. ;) no, really--i don't know how to do it, but i appreciate it so very, very much.
love you tons!
Oh thank you SO much! I'm honored. I'll try to pass it along soon.
Can you come show me too?:) lol! Thankyou so much for thinking of me! That was really kind of you!
I need to give some thought (and time--which I have precious little of these next few days) to whom I can pass it along.
Okay, here is what I did to get the little picture thingy. I right clicked on the little picture. Then I selected "Save As." Then I saved it onto my desktop (you can save it anywhere on your computer that you find easy to access). Then I wrote my little post and added the picture as I would have added any picture from my computer. Does that make sense? I sure hope it does, 'cause my brain has pretty much stopped functioning for the night...
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