In my at-a-loss-ness, I turned to my ever-handy collection of bookmarked projects and rediscovered this clever reusable lunch set comprised of a sandwich wrap and cloth snack bags. I knew that making reusable snack bags would be perfect for the birthday boy's mom (she's the queen of preparedness and always, always has snacks packed with enough to share), but I wanted something that the little guy would love too, so I continued to look. And I found this boy-sized hobo sack, perfect for storing boyish treasures.
All that to say that I decided to make a hobo sack treasure bag along with a couple of reusable snack bags and a sandwich wrap (not pictured) as our gift.
In my stash, I found some cowboy print fabric which was perfect for the birthday boy. I used it for the bag lining and for an appliqué on the outside of the bag as well as for the snack bags and sandwich wrap.

Since I was in such a good crafty mood, I thought I'd make a hobo sack/snack bag for my Little Man too. After all, making two of one thing really doesn't take that much longer than making one, right?
I am delighted to report that Little Man loves his hobo sack. Packing toys and snacks before going places has never been so fun, and he hardly wants to leave the house without his bag! I hope that his buddy will have just as much fun with his.

His buddy IS having fun with it. He asked for a mid-morning snack yesterday and ran and got his snack bag. It will be so handy. Thanks again...oh and..."queen of preparedness?" That might be a stretch! :)
You are just amazing. And that is all I have to say!!!!!
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