Summer is here! I have been enjoying the warmth as well as the golden summer blooms that seem to abound in my yard. I took my camera outside to photograph our roses and ended up discovering golden riches beyond what I had anticipated. Here is a photo-tour of my discoveries.

Dandelions are the epitome of golden. We have an out-of-control dandelion problem, and when I become discouraged about it, I remember how early settlers treasured them and made sure they brought dandelions with them to their new homes. It's interesting to think about. Perhaps I should study up on the good qualities of dandelions (besides their gorgeous color) so that I can get some benefit from the abundance that surrounds us.
I found this tall, spiky beauty in one of our gravelly side lots.

I have sadly neglected my flower pots this year. I bought some flowers for them but accidentally let them all die before transplanting them. I was encouraged, though, to find some cheerful violas, self-seeded from last year, brightening the planters.

I found these tiny, fragrant wild flowers in our other gravelly side lot. (Gravelly side lots are a lot harder to keep tidy-looking than you'd think!)
And now I come to the original feature of this post: our golden roses. We share a huge rose bush with our neighbors (I think it ate the fence) which is covered bright yellow buds and blooms right now. It's so beautiful.

The roses are simple and look very much like golden wild roses, but they make up for their simplicity in profusion and in fragrance. They have a light yet heady, pungent yet sweet smell that I love. I only wish that they would bloom all summer!

As I was turning away from the roses to head back inside, I spotted these charming four petaled flowers blooming in a very shady spot underneath the rose bush. I had never seen this kind of flower before and was happy that I saw them.

your flowers are beautiful! We have also struggled with Dandelions but they are such a symbol of summer to me - I don't think the yard would be the same with out any! (My hubby would disagree of course). Great photos. Thanks for sharing!
you found such treasures in your yard. they are all beautiful...especially the roses. Yellow roses are one of my favorites.
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