[our little family all dressed up and ready for the wedding]
The whole reason for our trip to Colorado last weekend was to share in the wedding celebration of two long-time friends. The bride has been my friend for longer than I can remember, and the groom is in some ways like a younger brother to me (he actually played music for our wedding reception, so it's extra-special that we got to do music for his wedding).

We were honored to help by playing music for the prelude and ceremony. Some of the music we played was flute and guitar, and some of it was flute and piano. We were pleased that it was about 98% perfect which is especially good for wedding music where finishing and starting all the pieces at all the right times is difficult. We becoming a better and better team the longer we do music together.

It was an exquisitely joyful, lovely wedding. Not so much because it progressed flawlessly in lovely surroundings, but because the couple was radiantly happy. They are perfect for each other!

As I listened to them exchange vows, and watched the love shining in their eyes, I couldn't help but be reminded of my own wedding day. The good though normal and everyday life we have forged in nearly four years of marriage was pulled aside. As I remembered, I tasted again of the new joy of being just married. Perhaps that's the best part of going to weddings after all. : )

The wedding was a perfect mixture of seriousness and fun. I enjoyed seeing how their personalities complement each other and are already melding into one unified expression.

At the end of the day they rode off in a horse-drawn carriage. I'm so glad we were able to go to Colorado do help in their celebration and to witness their joy.
[Thanks to my dad to taking care of my camera and getting lots of good photos for me while I was busy doing music!]
Coming Soon! Our Trip: At the in-laws'
looks like it was a great time! I'm sure the music was 100% perfect :)
that was so beautiful.
you made me cry, lady.
I am sorry I wasn't able to go to the wedding! Thank you so much for posting these! And fun to read about your trip too :-) What a BLESSING too to have wonderful in laws! I hope you're fully recovered now from feeling ill :-(
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